Healthwatch Visits Norley Hall To Help With Refurbishment

Last week Healthwatch ran down to Norley Hall Community Center to help out in their refurbishment, only to find... a great time!
Crowd stood outside Norley Hall, for a photo opportunity

Norley Hall is used by Boxing For Better to run, well, boxing sessions with the community for the betterment of the local people. There's a variety of programmes, from a children centered group, for a group for people with SEND and to a group for rehabilitation for adults on license. The boxing allows a healthy outlet for peoples frustrations, a fun way to make friends and a good way to stay fit. The group is well run, welcoming programme with a real sense of community outreach and moral good. Recently, they decided to put out a call for help to do up the community center, and Healthwatch (and quite a few other people) answered the call.

As Healthwatch does, we went down to help out with the work. We focused in on painting the place - as you can see in our glorious photos - and did a pretty good job. Others from other groups fitted a whole carpet, they put up shelves and they did some general cleaning. Now, the community center is looking better than ever, it's even got a good shine to it too. Then, of course, we had a little celebration too. Revelry aside, some really very good work was done, and all out of the kindness of everyone's hearts. Our team had a blast, and everyone else did too. If we could do this, what's stopping you? Volunteering is an easy and effective way to make a real difference in the world you live in - and guess what? You can volunteer with us too! Okay, sure, you probably won't be painting with us anytime soon, but Healthwatch have a commitment to the common good and community outreach isn't uncommon for us. If you enjoy helping others, whether that be over the phone or in the community, feel free to get in touch, we'd be happy to take you on.


Boxing For Better have very similar values to us too. If you don't fancy volunteering with us, why not them? They would also be happy to have you, and could use the help making their local community better. Visit their website here, and get in touch.