The Care Conference 2024

Yesterday - 03/12/2024 - Lacey and Charlie set up a stall at the care conference at The Edge conference center, read below and see how it went!

The Care Conference, what is it? This is one of those self explanatory ones, the Care Conference at The Edge was a conference all about care ran by Stuart Cowley from Wigan Council and Kevin Parker Evans from WWL. According to them, they often hold events at The Edge, but this was in fact the biggest one they've held with the intention of essentially networking for all these various care stakeholders (Ourselves included!) so they have more resources to care for those they are charged for.

The Stall

So, it's 9.30am. Lacey's been setting up the stall for most of the last hour (Of course there was a little sidetracking engaging with fellow stallholders!) and Charlie finally rocks up filling in for poor Andrea - who is currently sick as a dog, get well soon Andrea -. Lacey had found a fair bit of our merch didn't work which meant we had a few less lights to give out so we filled the space with canvas bags! To be honest, this is the least interesting part of the conference for this article, there's much more meat in the information down the line, however there's a few funny bits and bobs like how Charlie got a coffee not realising it needed milk and ended up absolutely wired the rest of the day, unable to not bounce his leg, or talking of legs how how they had a good stare at a neighboring stall which had a very, very graphic display of a rotting necrotic leg! Or how we had a nice chat with the lady across from our stall, Zelda! What were we doing until the conference started at 10? Really, just giving out Healthwatch branded gifts and explaining what we are whilst making a few new friends.

The Good Stuff...

Right, you've seen enough about our stall. Let's skip to the actual meat. It's 10. We've just been invited to join the conference. We struggle finding a seat and sit down on a fun little table next to what must of been a part-time vicar still in her church gear and a few ladies from WWL. Charlie is vibrating from the coffee, Lacey is sane as per usual and the speakers start speaking. First, was Stuart and Kevin talking about all sorts. Firstly, how care in the Wigan borough was rated some of the best in the northwest and how they'd had a very good few years of care. Or Progress With Unity, an Asset Based 10 year plan for improvements to care.

Then, came Samantha Crawley, a lovely Irish woman dressed in green garb and a brilliant little (I say little, it was massive) red gem necklace. Sams the chief exec of Bracebridge Care Group. Her key point was simple. Everyone perceives care brilliantly, but when put in a situation where they need to use it -  they're distrusting. How do you fix this? According to Samantha there's a 5 word strategy 'Kindness, Compassion, Reassurance, Education and Empathy'. Kindness, compassion and empathy to everyone, reassurance to the family, education to the staff. They know what can happen with the right people, but others don't. Further, she said emotional intelligence is the most important part of being employed for care - they can teach anything else.

The CQC Inspection and More

Next was Gemma Burrows and Amanda Ahmed - both dressed the same - from WWL talking about a surprise inspection to the Royal Albert Infirmary. They had 15 minute warning on what was apparently the worst day ever for the hospital. 120 people in the A&E with a capacity of 30 with a 10.5hr wait time. 20  corridors full. Lot's of staff off ill. The, someone fell in the waiting room...

They got a fair bit of feedback, they have very bad car parking, A&E is too full and there wasn't enough staff - among other things. The key point here? Everything is overwhelmed.

Then, Alison Chadwick from WWL telling us about the REACT team which exists to intervene with care before A&E becomes a necessity. Apparently, they received 1718 referrals which prevented 85% of cases going to A&E!

Finally, Emma Addie, essentially telling us 40% of the current NHS workforce could retire next year with a large drop in uni applications for NHS based work. Pretty much, the workforce is dwindling and they want anyone they can get. To do this, they're working with Edge Hill University, Wigan and Leigh College and more to set up new nursing apprenticeships and all! 

There was a fair bit more to the conference - workshops and the like - but sadly we had to nip out at 12.45 as we weren't booked in - which means this article is coming to a close...